Slowly rebuild strength, cardio fitness & overall health if you are deconditioned or have experienced regression.
Some of us have been away from the gym for obvious reasons, and some of us just get caught up in life. No matter why, we’d love to help you get back on track, back into the gym and back into the workouts you love – or shake things up and help you create a new workout plan.
Despite the popular saying, it’s important that we don’t hit the ground running, as we need to slowly rebuild our strength and cardiovascular fitness, especially if we are deconditioned. If you have regressed during a period of rest, be sure to ease your way back into your exercise routine to reduce the risk of injury. A safe workout is the best workout, so make sure you are paying attention to your form and technique, as well as how much weight you are lifting and the number of sets and reps.
This is especially important if you haven’t been exercising as frequently or with the same intensity over the past few months, as your muscles may need time to remember. Don’t be hard on yourself if you have let your training slip, it’s been a tough year (or two!). Make sure you check in with a personal trainer in club if you have any questions regarding easing back into workouts and what they would recommend.
Tune into the Fernwood Podcast as the wonderful Lisa chats about returning to the gym, tips for rest and recovery, what not to do, and reigniting your motivation. Simply search for Fernwood Shine on Apple Podcasts or Spotify, click download, and listen in.
If you have any questions about returning to the club, including booking time with a personal trainer, trying group fitness classes, or our high standard of hygiene and safety practices, simply fill out the form below and we’ll get in touch.